Monday, August 6, 2012

Come To Jesus

Jesus is the ultimate physician, the great physician, offering the ultimate answer to ‘whatever ails us.’

In Mark 2 it’s clear some men in Capernaum believed this.  Why as they sought to help a paralyzed man, they tried ‘like the dickens’ to get to Jesus.  But large crowds surrounded Jesus, both within the house where Jesus was ministering and outside the house.  But did that stop the men?  No way.  You see they truly did believe Jesus was the ultimate source of healing.  And so the men did a dramatic thing.  The men got up on the roof of the house with the paralyzed man and began to dig – literally through the roof.  And then, get this:  they lowered the paralyzed man, on his mat down through the roof – right in front of Jesus! Amazingly Jesus wasn’t offended; why Jesus wasn’t even startled.  Rather Jesus was responsive, in two crucial, therapeutic ways.  Yes with physical healing:  “get up, take your mat, and walk” (Mark 2:11).  But prior to that, with spiritual healing:  “Son, your sins are forgiven.”  (Mark 2:5).  But that is how Jesus heals:  totally, holistically, addressing ‘any and all’ brokenness, whether physical, emotional or spiritual. So whatever your need:  come to Jesus.  Whatever your pain: come to Jesus. Whatever you’re suffering:  come to Jesus.

In the great rotunda of The Johns Hopkins Hospital is one of the great statues of the world: Christus Consolator or Christ the consoler.   Ten and half feet tall, it’s a dramatic portrayal of Jesus, in marble, as indeed the ultimate consoler, comforter and healer.   One of the striking aspects of the statue is the posture of Jesus.  For Jesus doesn’t just stand in the rotunda of Hopkins passive, removed.  No, Jesus stands with His arms outstretched, amplifying the scripture from Matthew 11 found at the base of the statue.  Powerful scripture.  Hopeful scripture.  Healing scripture:  "Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28).

The invitation still stands:  come to Jesus and Jesus will give you rest.  For Jesus’ arms are still outstretched beckoning anyone, with any need, with any pain, with any brokenness to come unto him.  For Jesus is the ultimate physician, the great physician offering the ultimate answer to ‘whatever ails us.’

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder about the statue at
    Johns Hopkins. Years ago our eight year old
    son had open heart surgery at Hopkins and I
    remember how impressive the statue was and
    still is.
