Monday, September 10, 2012

The 'Cow Bell' Of Encouragement

Pastors aren’t supposed to have favorites.  But I’ve had a favorite in the course of my tenure at FCOB (Frederick Church of the Brethren): Atlee Gouker.  Now in heaven, Atlee was an unforgettable member of our congregation, who lived to the ripe young age, of 100+!

Now Atlee was unforgettable for many reasons, including his famed ‘Atlee Stories.’ One of my favorite is the cow bell story.  A few years ago I completed the 'Hike Across Maryland,’ a 42 hike from Pen Mar, MD to Harpers Ferry, WVA, traversed in a single day!  Well, shortly after the Hike I shared in a sermon my ordeal near the end of the Hike.   Why I was exhausted, not thinking I could finish.   But just as I was coming down the ridge into Gathland State Park, I heard cowbells ringing in the distance.   Seems volunteers had gathered at Gathland to encourage us, with shouts, hugs, food, and the ringing of cow bells.   

Well the following week, I was standing at the back door of the FCOB sanctuary after our then 8:30 worship service greeting worshippers -- and heard a cow bell again.  “Why this is strange,” I said.  “Who’s sounding a cow bell in church?”  And you guessed it:  it was Atlee Gouker ringing a cow bell; but not just any cow bell; Atlee was sounding a cow bell that had been a part of the Gouker family for years.  And then Atlee approached me and presented me with the cow bell; a cow bell I still cherish to this day.   “Just wanted to encourage you” Atlee said with a big, beaming smile.  

We’re to encourage one another.  To ring cow bells for one another!  For as Paul notes in 1 Thessalonians 5  God’s people are “… [to] encourage…and build each other up… (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  For as Solomon notes in Ecclesiastes 4 – “Two are better than one…If one falls down, his friend can help him up…Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”  (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; 12).    

And so join with others in the Christian walk; don't try to 'go it' alone.  For as we stand with each other and befriend each other, we will not be broken; rather we will be built up and encouraged. 

And made able, to encourage others; to ring cow bells for others.  Not only in the spirit of Atlee Gouker, but in the spirit of Jesus, who as the ultimate encourager, wants to elevate and lift us all!

1 comment:

  1. Paul, This is a great day to have chosen to visit your web site !
    I have, for no known reason, collected and been attracted to cow bells. (Actually it is any bell with a "great ring" that I lean towards... And dang... think I need to have! I'm about 60 bells and ringing onward!)
    I have always been an encourager... then I developed a terrible, debilitating disease... deep, deep depression! I lived in that deep, dark, slippery, slimy pit (of dispair) as spoken of in the Bible. Can't remember the book and verse, but I was there and described it, long before I even knew it was a real place or read the discription in the bible.
    I became a different person and not one I enjoyed being. Without encouragement from the very, very few who still knew me and understood even a little of where I was, I could not have made it back! I lived there way too long. If God had given up on me, I would not have made it back. I once again can encourage others!
