Sunday, March 10, 2013

Struck By Grace

The gospel, Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 1:23, is “a stumbling block to…Jews, and “foolishness to…Greeks”.    Translated:  it’s a problem for everyone.    

In addition, it’s controversial.  Why Christians in Rome, for example, were considered ‘enemies of the human race,’ widely believed to practice incest and cannibalism (F.F. Bruce, The Epistle to the Romans, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, page 16).   

Yet, Paul is not phased.  Notice his words in Romans 1:16:   “I am not ashamed of the gospel, [for] it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”

I’m curious:  do you believe?

Frankly, it's hard to believe because fundamentally the gospel of God doesn't make sense.   Why, from early on we've been conditioned to believe that fulfillment, happiness, salvation come from our initiative and effort.  

However the gospel of God teaches that fulfillment, happiness, salvation come from God's initiative and effort. 

Bottom line:  life is not ultimately shaped by what I do.  Life is ultimately shaped by what God has done, in Jesus, on the Cross.  As Paul notes in Romans 1:17 “…in the [true] gospel,“a righteousness from God is revealed…”  (Romans 1:17)   In other words:  a compassion, an acceptance, a grace  is starkly exposed.

Years ago, Paul Tillich struggled with such truth, unpacking it through a classic sermon.


"...we cannot transform our lives, unless we allow them to be transformed by a stroke of grace…[such] grace strikes when [we’re] in great pain and restlessness…it strikes…when our disgust…our indifference, our weakness, our hostility…our lack of direction: become intolerable…It strikes when the…perfection of life does not appear, when…old compulsions reign…when despair [searches and] destroys…"

"...Sometimes at that moment a wave of light breaks [in]… and it is as [if] a voice were saying: “You are accepted”.  You are accepted”.  Accepted by [the God who is greater than…you]…"

"...Do not…do anything…do not seek…anything.  Do not perform anything.  Do not intend anything.  Simply accept the fact, that you are accepted”.  - (Paul Tillich, You Are Accepted)

Have you done that?  Have you accepted the fact that you are accepted?  Or do you continue to try:  to prove something, to earn something, to be something, to deserve something?   

Bottom line:  you’ll never/ever be able to do enough, or gain enough, to be happy.   You’ll just be able to do enough, and gain enough, to be tired...real tired.

And so I encourage you, through the words of the Apostle Paul: do "...not to fail to use the grace of is the 'acceptable time,' and this very day is the 'day of salvation' (2 Corinthians 6:1-2, Phillips).

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