Monday, March 18, 2013

What Are You Becoming?

Here's a sobering fact:  only the priorities of Jesus have 'staying power.'

Thus, we need to prioritize the priorities of Jesus, becoming more like Jesus, if have any hope of 'going the distance' today, or tomorrow.

Craig Barnes tells of a time when he gave his life to ungodly priorities.  I mean he became utterly caught up in a worldly journey and worldly destinations, literally losing himself, as he hitchhiked through New England.  Well at one point Craig found himself out of money, needing to work the midnight shift at a gas station in upper New York State.  As he did, Craig met all sorts of midnight people: sorted people, addicted people, intoxicated people, bummed out people.  

Well one night, one of the most bummed, a regular at the station by the name of Shorty, came up to Craig, as Craig was sitting at the gas pumps, waiting for business.   Well, this night Shorty was especially bummed (i.e. really intoxicated; really addicted), after an especially rousing night of worldly pursuits.  And so he was especially loose, just putting his arm around Craig; as he did, Shortly blurted out:  “You know Craig, I really like you.  You know why:  I think you and I have a lot in common!”  And with that, Craig Barnes writes, I got the jolt of my life, realizing, what I was becoming.  (Craig Barnes, When God Interrupts, p. 62)   

What are you becoming? -- more like Jesus, or more like earthy, common reality?     We become bummed, we head toward midnight, toward darkness, if we don’t bond with Jesus, invest in Jesus (and His priorities) -- now.

And what are the the priorities of Jesus?  Well here’s a sampling: saving souls, not saving egos -- relationships, not real estate -- servanthood, not success -- love not lust -- gentleness, not gloating -- giving-away power, not grabbing power.    
You see only the priorities of Jesus last.  Translated only soul-focused, relational, servant-like, loving, gentle, power-sharing emphases, will ever ‘take you the distance,’ in the present or future tense.                

And so in the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 12: “…don’t let the world…squeeze you into its own [mold], but let God [remold you]…so that you may prove…that the plan of God…is good…and moves [you] towards the goal of true maturity.”  (Romans 12:1-2, Phillips).

Move toward true maturity.  Become more like Jesus.

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