Monday, April 15, 2013

'Hand-Made' Wonders!

Created in the image of God, we are hand-made wonders, not cookie-cutter clones.

Translated:  God has custom-designed every person reading these words. Each of us is a unique, ‘out of the ordinary,’ cherished child of the Creator. 

In Jeremiah 1, God goes 'out of his way' to assure Jeremiah of this reality.  “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart…”  (Jeremiah 1:5).   God’s words to Jeremiah are reminiscent of Job’s affirmation in Job 10 – “Your hands shaped me and made me, [O Lord]…you molded me like clay…you gave me life…and in your providence [you] watched over my spirit…”  (Job 10:8-9; 12).

As I prayed over this verse, Elizabeth Wastler came to mine, one of the saints of our church.  You see, on Holy Thursday 2013, Elizabeth had a stroke, and I've pondered much, God's 'providential watch,' every since.  On a recent visit with Elizabeth, however, my pondering turned to possibilities; possibilities of providence, and God's abiding care!

"Did you hear the news Pastor Paul?” – Elizabeth began. “Margaret Thatcher died.”  “Yes.”  “And did you hear how she died?”  “No”  “Well, she died of a stroke.” 

Well, with that, I got a little nervous. 

“Pastor Paul, I had a stroke.” – Elizabeth continued.  “But Pastor Paul -- I didn’t die.  You know what that means: God isn’t finished with me yet; there’s more for me to do!”

Talk about someone who knows God’s hand is upon her!  Both in her birth and now in her continuing life, God’s providential hand is forming and watching over dear Elizabeth. 

But guess what: God providential hand is forming and watching over dear you!   Your next breath is not a coincidence; your next breath is an act of divine providence!   God created you, and continues to create you.  

We don’t know ‘what a day will bring,’ but we do know who can shape and form our day: God and God alone!