Monday, May 13, 2013

Death By Duck

Hannah and Anna. 

Both were prophetesses and both names mean literally:  mercy, favor, grace.  Thus, as Hannah praises God in 1 Samuel 2:6, Hannah praises a generous God:  “The Lord…makes alive…and raises up…” (1 Samuel 2:6).  And as Anna praises God in Luke 2:38 – Anna praises a redeeming God (Luke 2:38), best reflected in Jesus, described in Luke 2:40 as “…strong…filled with wisdom and…grace…” (Luke 2:40). 

As we praise God, we also must praise a generous, redeeming God, best reflected in Jesus, who is strong, filled with wisdom and grace.

Frankly, it's 'the grace part' that's the hard part.  I mean we can be so ungracious, so petty, so picky, even as Christ-followers.  Craig Barnes tells of an incident that occurred at a large, sophisticated congregation he once served as pastor.  The incident centered around the proper placement of the church's hospitality table with steaming coffee pots.  Seems the Hospitality Committee wanted to provide hospitality in easy access of a vast majority of church-folk, so they place a hospitality table with steaming coffee pots right outside the worship sanctuary.

Well, the aroma of the coffee got into the sanctuary, and with that, things became unglued!  Why the head usher of 25 years resigned in protest and the church was forced into a mediation process lasting over 8 weeks -- all because of the smell of coffee in the sanctuary!  Asked afterwards to describe the experience, Craig Barnes noted:  "it felt like I was being nibbled to death by a duck!!"

Every felt that way:  like you were being ‘nibbled to death’ by a duck?  Frankly, it happens every time we pick at each other, rather than show grace to each other.
Bottom line: ‘Christ didn’t die’ for us to fight over the smell of coffee in the sanctuary.  But guess what ‘Christ didn’t die’ for us to fight over the color of carpet in our home remodeling project.  ‘Christ didn’t die’ us to fight over whether our son’s curfew time should be 11 pm or 12 am.  ‘Christ didn’t die’ for us to fight over whether our spouse should have short hair or long hair (that’s a hard one for me, because I love long hair!).   

So ‘give it up’ -- ‘give up’ the pick, pick, pick, demonstrating wisdom and grace.  Now don’t misunderstand, there are things to debate and die for.  But for the most part, most of what we debate is trivial and small.  

And so for the most part “…be merciful” Jesus notes in Luke 6:36 – be sympathetic, tender, responsive, and compassionate, even as your Father is [all these].”  (Luke 6:36, The Amplified Bible).

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