Monday, December 30, 2013

Cross The River!

2014:  a new year is before us!  Among other things, a new year provides opportunity for new movement and growth in life.  But it takes courage to move-on in life.  

In Joshua 1, Joshua and the Hebrew people are at the edge of the Jordan River, at the edge of the Promise- Land.  But Joshua is terrified; after all, the patriarch of the Hebrew people, Moses has died; and with Moses, inspiration and chutzpah for moving-on to claim God's best.

And so God intervenes: “Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:6), God declares. “Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:9).  “Be strong and very courageous” (Joshua 1:7).

It's interesting:  God intervenes often in scripture with encouragement, i.e. to have courage.  Frequently it's with the phrase:  "fear not."   But contrary to popular belief,  'fear not' is not found 365 times in scripture (e.g. "one 'fear not' for everyday of the year"); actually 'fear not' is only found 80 times in scripture, and a variation of the phrase only 30 times --  [click-on the link that follows to see the graphic below, enlarged, with all "fear-not's" listed, suitable to print out

fear not black
But even "at that rate," that 's plenty of 'fear not's' -- I pray -- to convince most of us, that we can move-on toward 2014 with confidence,  knowing that God moves with us. 

As God moves with us, God lowers anxiety/fear in several specific ways: 

First 1) God 'Takes Control' Through His Sovereign Majesty.  For "...the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting...The Lord has established His throne in the heavens; And His sovereignty rules over all. (Psalm 103: 17-19).  Bottom line:   God is in control; thus, we don't need to "spin out of control."  Sure we'll be anxious on occasion, but we don't need to "go nuts" on any occasion.  For God has a "steady hand," in "any and all" circumstance.  

Second, 2) God Removes Dread, Through His Redemptive Hand.  For "...we are assured and know that God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose." (Romans 8:28, The Amplified Bible).  Bottom line:  nothing is ever wasted , thus, I can risk.  Sure, I need to take calculated risk, prayerful risk, but I do not need to constantly hold back because of "fear of failure."  For God uses everything, even the missteps and errors of life.

And lastly, 3)  God Provides Emotional Support Through His Supernatural Medicine. For through Jesus, "...God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul...which transcends all understanding...[garrisoning and mounting] guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7, The Amplified Bible).  Bottom line:  God is better than Prozac,  "standing guard" in every crazy moment, infusing every crazy moment, with calming elixir, flowing from the supernatural Spirit of Jesus.  Sure, it will take time for the Spirit of Jesus to "sink in"; but given enough time, the Spirit of Jesus does "sink in."  For God is anxious to address our anxiety, infusing us with spiritual peace.    
And so:  God does lower anxiety/fear.  And so where have you reached your Jordan; where do you need to take the next step/s toward God's promise for your life, in spite of apprehension?

The battle of Antietam gave the Union a much needed victory, but it could have been the Union's final victory. Why Union commander George McClellan could have crushed the Confederate army but he would not cross the Potomac River, pursuing the fleeing, weakened Rebels.  Miffed – Abraham Lincoln visited McClellan to rally him on.  But McClellan would not cross the Potomac River.  “I came back thinking he [might] move”, Lincoln latter wrote.  “…But [then]…he [argued] why he [couldn’t] move.  [And so] I…ordered him to [move].  [But] it [took] nineteen days before [his] first man [crossed] the river -- [and] nine days longer before [the army crossed].  [And] then – he stopped again..." 

Where are you stopped?  Where are you losing the "war," because you will not cross the river -- a "war" with food/diet -- a "war" with money -- a "war" with vocation -- a "war" with some attitude?  

I know it's scary.  But listen:  God is speaking.  Orders are being given.  

As God prompts -- obey.  Cross the river!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting posts in blog, greeting from Belgium Happy New Year
