Monday, August 25, 2014

A Chance To Die

Acumen and ability are not enough; acumen and ability must be surrendered to Jesus. 

Paul underscores this in Ephesians 4:1, as Paul instructs us to to be prisoners for the Lord, living “…a life worthy of the calling you have received…[Making] every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit…For there is one body, and one spirit -- just as you were called to one hope…[for there is] one Lord, one faith, one baptism -- one God and Father of all -- who is over all -- and through all -- and in all…” (Ephesians 4:1-6). 

Translated:  the presence and call of Jesus is to ‘take over life,’ permeating everything, ‘rising above’ any other possession, passion, or identity.  So it’s not a matter of charisma, but connection -- full surrender to Christ, becoming prisoners of Jesus – captive, bound, sold-out, to Christ and Christ alone!  

One of the most fascinating missionaries of all time was Amy Carmichael.  Hailing from Northern Ireland, Amy served in India for 55 years, never taking a furlough.  Now Amy was legendary as an author, writing over 35 books, but Amy was incredible as a leader founding both an orphanage and a mission in Dohnavur, all for one calling: to save Hindu girls from a life of forced prostitution.  Totally sold out to that calling, utterly a prisoner to Jesus, Amy went to great lengths to save Hindu girls, even dressing in Indian clothing, dyeing her skin with dark coffee, traveling long distances on hot, dusty roads.  

Not surprisingly, Amy’s reputation became well established, attracting great interest, and with it tons of mail, including a letter one day from a young women interested in becoming a missionary.  “What’s it like to be a missionary,” the young woman wrote.  Well, Amy Carmichael replied:  “missionary life is simply a chance to die.”

Wow, what a testimony, but not only to the missionary life, but to the Christian life overall – for  the Christian life is simply a chance to die -- to die to selfish gain -- becoming prisoners to the Lord!   
Become a prisoner to the Lord, having no other primary identity!  Not vocational identity, financial identity, patriotic identity.  

For only one identity must permeate life:  Christ and Christ alone, who in the words of Paul is to be “…over all -- and through all -- and in all…” (Ephesians 4:6).    Let Christ be over all – and through all – and in all!  

At a key juncture in life, Amy Carmichael longed for Christ to be over all, through all, in all -- in deeper ways. And so Amy penned a prayer, I pray will be your prayer, as you strive to surrender all:

"Give me the Love that leads the way -- The Faith that nothing can dismay -- The Hope no disappointments tire -- The Passion that'll burn like fire -- Let me not sink to be a clod -- Make me Thy fuel -- Flame of God”  ― Amy Carmichael

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