Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Neglected Joseph Davidson

Well, if you haven’t seen the movie Lincoln, you need to see Lincoln!  During my last viewing of this great movie (yes, I've seen it several times) I got intrigued not only with the content of the film but the making of the film.  And so I did something I hadn’t done for a long while: I stayed for the credits, you know the listing of names at the end of a movie, listing all the people involved in making the movie.  And I was amazed:  I mean the credits went ‘on and on’ for at least five minutes, listing countless persons instrumental in telling the Lincoln story.  But that’s the way it is with a great story; it takes a lot of people to bring the story to life!

As we enter the Christmas story, I wonder:  who are the persons who bring this story to life?  

Oh, we know the stars of Christmas, Mary, Jesus, the One True God, but who are the other cast members, those making up the bulk of the credits? Well, let’s ‘role the credits’: why there are the shepherds, the angels, the innkeeper, the wise men, the animals at the stable, King Herod, Caesar Augustus. 

But at the ‘top of the credits,’ right below the stars of Christmas, is the main supporting cast member: Joseph, Son of David (Matthew 1:20), or as we’d say it today:  Joseph Davidson.   

Now ironically, in spite of his pivotal role, Joseph Davidson, Joseph Son of David, is understated in the Christmas story.  In fact, little is broadcast or known about Joseph, overall.  Why we know Joseph grew up in Bethlehem, “…the town of David…” (Luke 2:4), because Joseph was descended from David.  We know Joseph eventually moved north to Nazareth, a small town near the Lake of Galilee, working as a carpenter (Matthew 13:55).   And we know that it was in Nazareth that Joseph met Mary, the love of his life (Luke 1:26-27), who at the time of their meeting was only a teenager, between 12-14 years of age.  But that’s about it; that’s about all we know about Joseph Davidson, Joseph Son of David.  

Or do we?  

I mean beyond the facts of Joseph’s life, is the character of Joseph’s life.  And much is known about that aspect of Joseph life. I mean as Joseph interacts with the heart of Christmas, the miraculous, but scandalous virgin birth of Jesus, Joseph’s true self is revealed.  And frankly it’s an amazing self; a startling display of godly obedience and character.  

And so we can know much about Joseph, as we discover much about the character of this understated member of the Christmas drama.  So let’s discover much about the character of Joseph, and the unique contribution he makes to the greatness of the greatest story ever told!

A first contribution: Joseph reminds us to... 

‘Face The Facts’ Honestly, But With Compassion  

Try to visualize the pain, of Joseph’s situation.  Why the women you’re engaged to is pregnant – but the pregnancy is not yours, because you haven’t been sexually intimate; why I’m guessing you’d be ticked off!   But in Joseph’s case, he was probably livid, since he and Mary were more than engaged; why Matthew 1:18 tells us they were ‘…pledged [or betrothed] to be married…” (Matthew 1:18), a year-long, in-depth commitment, of great importance.   

But amazingly, Joseph doesn’t lash back; rather, Joseph demonstrates compassion.  Yes, he begins to sever his relationship with Mary; after-all Joseph has a reputation to protect.  But Joseph doesn’t sever the relationship the conventional way, exposing Mary as a wayward woman and having her stoned (Deuteronomy 22:23-24). No, Joseph chooses an unconventional route, severing the relationship with Mary through divorce, doing it, the text notes: “…quietly…”  (Matthew 1:19).   Why? Because Matthew 1:19 tells us, that Joseph was a kind man, “…a righteous man…” (Matthew 1:19) – committed to doing the right thing in ‘any and all’ circumstances.

We need to do the right thing in ‘any and all’ circumstances, especially as we approach Christmas.  And frankly, the right thing is always the compassionate thing, even if people mess up. A while back, a New York City policeman did an incredibly kind thing:  he gave a shoeless man in Time Square, who appeared homeless, a pair of brand new boots; you might have seen the photo.  But here’s the rub:  the shoeless man wasn’t homeless at all!  But it gets worst:  in due time, the shoeless man took off the boots and went shoeless again, afraid his boots would be ripped off and stolen!  Well at that folks called the policeman a fool, taken, ‘had.’   But compassion is always messy; but compassionate we must be, nevertheless. Mother Teresa says it best:   
“If you are kind…people may cheat you. Be [kind] anyway…Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, [it’s] between you and God; it was never between you and them… anyway!” – Mother Teresa
But as we take action, remember to... 

Be Open To God’s Surprises, To Supernatural Information   

I love Joseph’s decisiveness; his ability to face the facts and move on.  But even more impressive is Joseph’s ability to listen and adjust his action, as he encounters new information.   I mean Joseph is moving to divorce Mary quietly – but then God shows up in the form of an angel in dream.

First, Joseph gets shocking information: his wife’s pregnant, but not by him; now, he gets unbelievable information:  his wife’s pregnant, and the ‘other man’ is none other than, God!! 

But Joseph ‘hangs in there,’ open to God’s surprise, open to God’s supernatural direction. For God loves to surprise, disturbing our forgone conclusions, interrupting our established plans. 

A while back, I broke with my routine and got coffee at a coffee shop other than ' Starbucks.  And then it happened:  a woman from the church I pastored came in, clearly distraught.  In due time, I moved in her direction and found out the problem, and through God’s grace was able to help. But here’s the best part:  this woman normally would’ve been in that coffee shop either!!; why normally she went to Denny’s!!  But as she stopped at the stop light right in front of the coffee shop, she got a leading:  turn left toward the coffee shop; don’t go to Denny’s!!  And the rest as they say. is history, as both of us were touched, and a God-moment occurred.  

God wants God moments to happen throughout the Christmas season, but God moments only occur as we too allow ourselves to be surprised, to be interrupted by supernatural information.  And so allow yourself be surprised!  Along with prophet Isaiah affirm:  
“I shall hear [the] word behind me, saying: “This is the way, walk in it,” [whether I’m attempting to] turn to the right, or the left.”  Isaiah 30:21. 
For God wants to guide us this Christmas toward glorious good news.   And so with Joseph... 

Grasp The Gospel Truth At The Heart Of Christ’s Coming  


It’s interesting:  just as there are many characters in the Christmas story, there are many plot lines in the Christmas story.   For example: 

  • One plot line is:  in spite of darkness, light can shine…a great light!  (Isaiah 9:2).  
  • Another plot-line is:  in spite of violence, peace can prosper, along with good will toward men (Luke 2:14). 
  • Yet another plot-line is:  in spite of loneliness companionship can multiply, for God is with us, Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23).  

But if you were to identify the main plot line of Christmas, what would that plot line be?   Well it’s found at the outset of the angel’s message to Joseph – “[Mary] will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus – because he will save his people from their sins….”  (Matthew 1:21).   The plot line:  in spite of stalled life, self-absorbed life, salvation can come, through the God who rescues -- powerfully -- in Jesus!    

For the heart of the Christmas story is rescue, specifically rescue from stalled, self-absorbed ways. For stalled, self-absorbed ways, ‘dump’ the wrong stuff into life: spiritual cancer: sin.  But God doesn’t want spiritual cancer ‘dumped’ into life -- God wants spiritual medicine ‘dumped’ into life.   

Christmas is all about spiritual medicine being ‘dumped,’ deposited, advancing -- through Jesus; for God wants to save us from sin and rotten results.  Aren’t you tired of rotten results?  Well then embrace the main plot line of Christmas: the God who rescues from rotten results – as we allow Jesus to touch -- redeem – and heal our lives.    For through Jesus -- as prophet Isaiah reminds us -- our...
 “…sin has been paid for -- [healed]…”  (Isaiah 40:2) – thus “…every valley shall be raised up -- every mountain and hill made low -- the rough ground shall become level -- the rugged places a plain -- [for] the glory of the Lord [has been] revealed…” (Isaiah 40:4-5). 
Years ago, when I lived in California, I went to the California Renaissance Festival.  Do you know what a Renaissance Festival is: it’s a re-creation of 16th-century renaissance life, normally held in a big, open field, filled with jugglers, and clowns, and wonderful food and music!  Well for most of the day all went well, but toward the end of the day, things got ‘out of hand.’  Why people got grouchy, as they ate too much and drank too much.  But it got worst: why grouchiness turned into meanness as people got mad; I mean real mad.  Well, it all culminated, as we tried to leave the festival;  I mean as we tried to leave the ‘make shift’ parking lots, no one would yield, yelling and screaming at each other; why it was a traffic jam disaster!  But then it happened:  the California Highway Patrol happened, just like on TV!!  Why the California Highway Patrol swooped in and took control. The California Highway Patrol swooped in and straightened things out – The California Highway Patrol swooped in and rescued us – saving the day!

This Christmas, Jesus wants to swoop in and rescue us, saving the day!  In the midst of our traffic jam, our life ‘out of control,’ Jesus wants to come and take control straightening things out.

Let Jesus straighten things out!  Like Joseph, let Jesus surprise you, interrupting your routine.   For things have gotten out of control, spiritual cancer is on the prowl.  But have you noticed:   spiritual medicine is also on the prowl -- advancing through Jesus.    

Let Jesus advance in your life, this holiday season! Like Joseph ‘wake up,’ and do what God desires of you!  For God doesn’t desire rotten results, God desires healing for every person! 

For in spite of darkness, light can shine! In spite of violence, peace can prosper! In spite of loneliness, companionship can multiply!  

For in spite of stalled, self-absorbed -- sinful life -- salvation can come -- through the God who does save – who does rescue -- powerfully -- in Jesus!     

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