Monday, September 2, 2013

The "Nyad Factor"

Glorious news broke forth on Labor Day, 2013!  After four futile attempts to swim from Cuba to Florida, Diana Nyad -- at age 64 -- attempted a fifth crossing -- and made it!!
In November, 2011, I shared Diana's story in a sermon, noting why Diane was determined to keep on trying. Oh that's easy, Diana shared, I was beginning “…to feel “…disenfranchised – no longer valued – terribly worried my best days [are] behind me.  [But that’s not good, for] “…The business of life is to live large…”
But you can't live large, unless you're determined to keep pursuing your dreams, embracing the "Nyad Factor": a dogged determination to "keep on, keeping on" -- to not give up -- no matter what!

For scripture teaches, breakthroughs are possible, even in impossible scenarios.  It just takes time.  Look at Caleb for example.  Why God promised Caleb the land of Hebron.  But 40 years passed before Hebron is given.  Finally when Caleb was 85 God fulfilled his promise (Joshua 14:13).  But why?  Joshua 14:14 tell us:  “So Hebron belonged to Caleb…because [Caleb] followed the Lord…wholeheartedly…”  (Joshua 14:14).
But sadly many become half-hearted -- caving into a "whats the use" mentality.  But its tragic for such a mentality often occurs right before God’s response, right before a breakthrough; right before "striking gold."  

One of the greatest discoveries of gold occurred in 1922, by archaeologist Howard Carter when he discovered the famed tomb of King Tut, in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings.   Why Carter spent months digging and digging -- but eventually he found Tut’s tomb, filled with hundreds of pounds of gold, embedded in a mind-boggling 5,398 items.  

Ironically, however – Howard Carter was not the first person be on the doorstep of King Tut’s tomb.  Why eight years earlier in 1914, archaeologist Theodore Davis was on the doorstep of King Tut’s tomb.  But Davis got tuckered out, and stopped digging.  Translated: Davis quit -- declaring: “I fear the Valley [of the Kings] is now exhausted.” 

But ‘the rest as they say is history’ – as Howard Carter picked up where Theodore Davis left off – continuing to explore, doggedly -- in spite of skeptics – in spite of doubts – in spite of fatigue -- literally striking gold – ironically -- just a few feet – from where Theodore Davis had stopped digging! 

Where are you tempted to stop digging?  I’m telling you: you’re only a few feet from God’s response; you’re only a few feet from "striking gold"!

And so don’t stop digging. I know its tough, I know it’s exhausting.  But don’t stop digging.  

 Embrace the "Nyad Factor," and don’t give up!  

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