Monday, February 17, 2014

Safe and Secure -- For Sure!

God's safety, God's protection is a theme too seldom underscored, but a reality resulting from honoring and obeying the Lord.  For when we honor and obey God, God provides a hedge of protection around us.  The metaphor, 'hedge of protection'  was first applied to Job (Job 1:9) who God protected in spite of calamity and hardship. Sure, Job had trials, but because of God's hedge of protection around Job, "...Satan could not lay a finger on Job..." (Job 1:12) in a fatal, death-inducing way.  So too for us when we honor and obey the Lord:  God provides a 'hedge of protection' around us too, a trustworthy place of refuge, in a terribly threatening world.

Frankly, scripture goes out of its way to underscore the reality of refuge in God.  In fact, there are 117 verses underscoring refuge and the protection God provides as we respect Him; here’s a sampling:    “Those who fear the Lord have a secure fortress, and for their children it will be a refuge…”  (Proverbs 14:26);   “As for God, his way is perfect…He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him…”  (2 Samuel 22:31); [God] will cover you with his feathers [as you obey Him] -- and under His wings you will find refuge…” (Psalm 91:4); “The beloved of the Lord dwells in safety. The High God surrounds him all day long, [providing refuge] as they dwell between his [strong] shoulders…” (Deuteronomy 33:12)   

And so dwell within God’s strong shoulders – within His hedge of protection – His fortress -- knowing that’s where safety is ultimately, and only, found.
Fredriksten Fortress is one of the great fortresses of the world.  Built on a massive granite mountain high above the city of Fredriksten, Norway -- Fredriksten Fortress covers over 24,000 square feet, consisting of massive walls, deep passageways, and protective marshes.  And for good reason:  Fredriksten Fortress has repeatedly been attacked.  But for over 400 years, Fredriksten Fortress has never been conquered.  Oh the Swedes tried, and other assailants – but amazingly, Fredriksten Fortress has never been conquered.  And so today Fredriksten Fortress is a sanctuary -- a refuge -- attracting thousands of visitors each year – who relish in its track-record of victory – ‘soaking up’ the strength and reassurance of its strong walls.

God wants us to ‘soak up’ the strength and reassurance of His strong walls.  For God is our Fredriksten Fortress, our hedge of protection, providing a track-record of victory in a threatening world.   For as we stay within God’s walls, God’s boundaries – safety is ours -- no matter who assails us!

Know safety is yours, no matter who assails you.  For God is our refuge!  God is our shield!  God is our strong shoulders!  God is our fortress -- for sure!  
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