Saturday, February 28, 2015


One of the perplexing parts of Jesus prayer in John 17 is Jesus’ constant reference to glory as an outcome of our bond with Him and each other.  Father “…I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one…”  (John 17:22).  

Now there are multiple possibilities for defining the glory Jesus references – but John Piper is most accurate:  “The glory [Christ] wants us to see is the ‘unsearchable riches of Christ.’  It is ‘the immeasurable riches of [God’s] grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:7).  The superlatives ‘unsearchable’ and ‘immeasurable’ mean that there will be no end to our discovery and enjoyment…Every day will bring forth new and stunning things about Christ which will cause yesterday’s wonder to be seen in new light… [And so] the gospel is the good news that the everlasting and ever-increasing joy of the never-boring, every satisfying Christ is ours freely and eternally by faith in the sin-forgiving death and hope-giving resurrection of Jesus Christ…”   (John Piper, ‘What Is The Christian Gospel,’ Blog:  Desiring God, June 5, 2002).  

Ironically such glory not only lifts and binds us together – it attracts others to our fellowship in Jesus as well.   “Father” – Jesus prays in John 17:21 – “just as you are in me and I am in you.  May they also be in us -- so that -- the world may believe that you have sent me…”  (John 17:21).  

And so ultimately unity and joy in Jesus – is not just for us – but for a joyless, divided world – that desperately needs to know the unsearchable, immeasurable riches – the glory – of the Lord!!  

One of the great North African theologians was Tertullian. Raised in a pagan family, Tertullian was educated to be a lawyer, but became a priest after converting to Christianity at middle age.  But Tertullian’s training as a lawyer never left him, for Tertullian believed the best way to advance Christianity was not to be on the defense – legalistic, critical, and negative – but to be on the offense – demonstrating joy, love and glory, in Jesus.   And so Tertullian challenged the North African Church to live out the Gospel in such a way that pagan, secular people would declare:  “Look…how [those Christians] love one another [in contrast to us, who hate each another].  And [see] how [those Christians] are ready to die for one other [in contract to us, who are ready to kill each other.]  - (adapted, J. Warren Smith. “See How These Christians Love One Another”  Christian History Institute, Issue 105)

And so how about us:  are we ready to die for each other – do we truly love each other?  

Bottom line:  it is so easy to get so petty, so distracted and so divisive.  And so in the spirit of Tertullian – let’s get mature, focused and united – rallying around Jesus.  

For  the fulcrum of the universe is the Gospel, and the Gospel, to quote John Piper again “…is simply Christ…”  But not a Christ, not a Jesus who merely “…pulls us from the threatening waves…[but the Jesus who]…is the solid beach under our feet…the air in our lungs…the beat of our heart…the warm sun on our skin -- and the song in our ears…”  (John Piper, ‘What Is The Christian Gospel,’ Blog:  Desiring God, June 5, 2002).   

Translated:  a glorious God – an unsearchable -- immeasurable Savior!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Is Patience Possible?

I love Isaiah 26:3+4  “… [God] will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in [God].  Trust in the Lord, forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal…”  (Isaiah 26:3+4). 

But here's rub:  trusting the rock eternal requires patience, incredible patience, as we, in the words of Isaiah 26:8, "...wait for [the Lord]…”  (Isaiah 26:8).  

It's interesting:  the word wait in Isaiah 26:8 is the word qavah, which has a three-layered meaning.

  • First: qavah means to bind together like two strands of a rope.  
  • Second: qavah means to wait or tarry.  
  • Third: qavah means to hope or look expectantly.  

And so to properly define qavah you’ve got to put together all three meanings, defining qavah as a strong sentiment, like a strong rope – that weaves, that intertwines – both waiting and hope.    
And so yes, peace requires patience, but not passive patience, but robust patience that intertwines a required passage of time -- often a long passage of time – with rising, lifting, expectant, hope!    

And so, yes, sometimes peace seems to take forever.  But trust – believe -- hope:

God Is Working!  God is Working!   
There’s a classic story about a missionary who didn’t receive her monthly check from her mission board on time.  But it was much needed because she was out of money -- gravely ill with an unknown ailment – desperately requiring additional supplies.  The result:  all the missionary could afford was a thirty day supply of oatmeal and canned milk.  And so for the next thirty days the missionary lived on a diet of oatmeal and canned milk.  

Finally at the end of thirty days, a doctor arrived, along with the missionary’s monthly check; finally!  Briefing the doctor the missionary lamented the delay of her check and her miserable thirty day diet of oatmeal and canned milk.  “Ma’am” – the doctor exclaimed.  “I’d be thankful for your wait and your misery.”  “How come,” the missionary inquired?  “Why if your check had arrived on time, you’d be dead by now!  You see the best treatment for your illness – in fact, the only treatment for your illness -- was a thirty day diet of oatmeal and canned milk."  

I know you’re miserable; the answer to your calamity is taking so long!  But trust me:

God is Working!  God is Working!

For as Isaiah 26 concludes:  “Lord you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished -- you have done for us.  Oh Lord, our God, other lords…have ruled over us -- but your name alone do we honor…”  (Isaiah 26:12).  

And so we honor God, trust God -- above all.   For God does make "....everything beautiful in its time..." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) -- His time.  And so claim that truth -- waiting not begrudgingly -- cynically -- but expectantly! 

For God Is Working!  God Is Working!