Monday, February 16, 2015

Is Patience Possible?

I love Isaiah 26:3+4  “… [God] will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in [God].  Trust in the Lord, forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal…”  (Isaiah 26:3+4). 

But here's rub:  trusting the rock eternal requires patience, incredible patience, as we, in the words of Isaiah 26:8, "...wait for [the Lord]…”  (Isaiah 26:8).  

It's interesting:  the word wait in Isaiah 26:8 is the word qavah, which has a three-layered meaning.

  • First: qavah means to bind together like two strands of a rope.  
  • Second: qavah means to wait or tarry.  
  • Third: qavah means to hope or look expectantly.  

And so to properly define qavah you’ve got to put together all three meanings, defining qavah as a strong sentiment, like a strong rope – that weaves, that intertwines – both waiting and hope.    
And so yes, peace requires patience, but not passive patience, but robust patience that intertwines a required passage of time -- often a long passage of time – with rising, lifting, expectant, hope!    

And so, yes, sometimes peace seems to take forever.  But trust – believe -- hope:

God Is Working!  God is Working!   
There’s a classic story about a missionary who didn’t receive her monthly check from her mission board on time.  But it was much needed because she was out of money -- gravely ill with an unknown ailment – desperately requiring additional supplies.  The result:  all the missionary could afford was a thirty day supply of oatmeal and canned milk.  And so for the next thirty days the missionary lived on a diet of oatmeal and canned milk.  

Finally at the end of thirty days, a doctor arrived, along with the missionary’s monthly check; finally!  Briefing the doctor the missionary lamented the delay of her check and her miserable thirty day diet of oatmeal and canned milk.  “Ma’am” – the doctor exclaimed.  “I’d be thankful for your wait and your misery.”  “How come,” the missionary inquired?  “Why if your check had arrived on time, you’d be dead by now!  You see the best treatment for your illness – in fact, the only treatment for your illness -- was a thirty day diet of oatmeal and canned milk."  

I know you’re miserable; the answer to your calamity is taking so long!  But trust me:

God is Working!  God is Working!

For as Isaiah 26 concludes:  “Lord you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished -- you have done for us.  Oh Lord, our God, other lords…have ruled over us -- but your name alone do we honor…”  (Isaiah 26:12).  

And so we honor God, trust God -- above all.   For God does make "....everything beautiful in its time..." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) -- His time.  And so claim that truth -- waiting not begrudgingly -- cynically -- but expectantly! 

For God Is Working!  God Is Working!

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