Sunday, April 21, 2013

God Uses Any Road To Bring Us Home

In Acts 16, Paul makes a series of 'wrong turns.'  First, Paul heads for Asia, and the Spirit intercedes, keeping Paul from preaching there (Acts 16:6).  Then, Paul heads for Bithynia, and the Spirit intercedes again, not allowing him to go there either (Acts 16:7).

Translated:  each time Paul ‘blows it,’ heading off in a wrong direction.  But each time the Spirit is Sovereign, redirecting Paul to a better path, an opportunity to extend the Kingdom in Macedonia (Acts 16:9-10). 

So to for us when we head off in a wrong direction; the Spirit is Sovereign, redirecting us to a better path,  an opportunity to extend the Kingdom, our 'Macedonia.' 

They say confession is good for the soul, so I’ll just say it:  I have a love-hate relationship with my Garmin, you know the electronic gizmo in my car that tries to guide me when I don’t where I’m going or am lost.   Frankly there are times I get tired of Garmin talking to me, guiding me, and so there are times – I’m embarrassed to say this -- when I deliberately made a wrong turn, just to confound Garmin, and try to mix it up!  But you know no matter how badly I get turned around – no matter how badly I get lost – Garmin always comes through with the same calm, reassuring, decisive voice:  “recalculating” Garmin says – “recalculating.” 

God is our ultimate Garmin saying a similar thing when we’re lost; even deliberately sinful and lost:  recalculating, recalculating -- here’s how to turn around – here’s the correct path – here’s the better way.    But will we receive such grace – will we believe God can use any road -- even mistaken, ornery roads – to bring us to His best road? 

I’m struck that the most moving stories in scripture are not about right roads, but about wrong roads, and how God used even them, to bring folks His best.  I mean Abraham was on the wrong road in Genesis 12, even though it was a familiar road (Genesis 12:1).  But God got Abraham on the right road -- the Promise Land Road – marked by milk, honey and destiny (Genesis 12:4-9).   The Prodigal Son was on the wrong road in Luke 15, even though it was a pleasurable road (Luke 15:11-13).  But God got the Prodigal Son on the right road -- the Fathers-House Road – marked by forgiveness, grace and homecoming (Luke 15:22-24).  And Saul, better known as Paul, was on the wrong road in Acts 8, even though it was powerful road (Acts 8:1-3).  But God got Saul on the right road -- The Damascus Road – marked by salvation, healing, and mission (Acts 9:1-18).   

C.S. Lewis is right – “God [uses] all the wrong roads to get us to the right places.”  - C.S. Lewis.    So venture out – for even if you’re wrong – God will recalculate your life.

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