Sunday, April 21, 2013

What Are You Tuned Into?

There are many voices, many frequencies available to guide and direct life; and so it’s our call what we dial into. 

And so it’s critical in the words of 1 John 4 that we not “…believe every spirit [every voice], but test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”  (1 John 4:1). 

And how do you know if a spirit, a voice, is from God?  “…Every spirit that acknowledges…Jesus Christ…” I John goes on to clarify “…is from God.  Specifically the Jesus who has overcome every other spirit, for greater is that spirit, that voice, than any other voice, in the world.  (1 John 4:4).

Recently I read a fascinating statistic:  at this very moment there are over 16,000 different frequencies just from TV and radio stations bouncing around, that we can dial-into. And that doesn’t even count frequencies related to the internet, cell phones and pagers! 

And so that got me thinking:  what spiritual frequencies might be ‘bouncing around’; I mean John says there are a variety of spirits, a variety of ‘supernatural bandwidths.’

I know one is WTUA: ‘What’s The Use Anymore’ – the spirit of hopelessness and despair.  Another is WISS: ‘Why I’m Sufficient, Supreme!’ – the spirit of pride and rugged individualism. Another is WIWU: ‘Why, I’m Worthless, Unforgiveable’ – the spirit of guilt and shame.  Another is WONW – ‘Worship One-God, No Way’ – the spirit of tolerance and pluralism.  But friends:  there’s another frequency ‘bouncing around,’ another spirit available for us to ‘tune into,’ WJIS:  ‘Wow, Jesus Is Supreme!’ – the spirit of our resurrected, overcoming Lord! 

What you tune into, what you dial into, will determine the direction of your life. ‘Dial-into’ just any frequency, any spirit  and you risk confusion and lostness, but ‘dial into’ the one true Spirit, the greater Spirit, Jesus, and you’ll find wisdom and guidance for life.

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