Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Holy Reminders

A central theme in John 14 text is not only the Holy Spirit’s desire to convict us of sin, but to coach us on the ongoing path of discipleship and life.  For as Father God sends the Holy Spirit, infilling us with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit “…will teach [us] all things, and will remind [us] of everything [Jesus has] said to [us]…”  (John 14:26).

I’m especially struck by that last phrase:  the indwelling Holy Spirit “….will remind [us] of everything [Jesus has] said…”  (John 14:26).  And for good reason:  we tend to forget divine teaching as we’re consumed with the thoughts of the world, the flesh, and the devil.  I find this happens for me especially at night, and in the early morning hours; I get so wrapped up in the negative, thinking the worst, not the best.  

And so recently I wrote out 10 daily reminders of God’s Best, God’s Truth, based on the mega truth of scripture. 

The reminders:
  • 1) God Exists: Exodus 3:14 
  • 2) God Loves Me: Jeremiah 32: 40-41 
  • 3) Jesus Is God Incarnate, The Word:  John 1:1-14)
  • 4) I Am Stained, Sinful, But Jesus Died For Me: John 3:16 
  • 5) I Will Know Brokenness and Pain, But God Redeems All Things, Nothing Is Ever Wasted:  Romans 8:27
  • 6) I Will Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, But I Will Not Stay There; God Will Move Me Through: Psalm 23
  • 7) Life Will Not Stay The Same, Change Is Inevitable, But God Will Walk With Me Through Life’s Transitions:  Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
  • 8) I Will Be Betrayed, People Will Disappoint, But ‘What A Friend I Have In Jesus,’ Source of Inexpressible And Glorious Joy: 1 Peter 1:8-9
  • 9)  I Will Be Tempted To Give Up, But I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me: Philippians 4:13
  • 10) I Will Die, But I Will Live Forever; A Thousand Years From Now, I Will Be A Young Man With Jesus:  Revelation 21:1-8.  
          inspired by Matt Reagan, adapted.      
Let's be candid: it’s tough to recall these things, to remember these things.  But trust me: the Spirit wants to offer these things.  

So listen for the Spirits prompts and instruction, and then obey.  

For as Jesus reminds us in John 14:23, if we’re truly born again in Jesus, bonded in Jesus, in love with Jesus, we will “…obey [Jesus’] teaching…” (John14:23) – becoming newly attentive to Jesus’ coaching, instruction and Truth.

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