Friday, November 21, 2014

Peace That Transcends Understanding

God's Truth is conveyed through God's Spirit resulting in a marvelous, unbelievable outcome: peace.  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you" Jesus notes in John 14.  "I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  John 14:27. 

It’s fascinating: the word for peace in this context implies settledness and union at the depths of life.  Whereas Greek society viewed peace essentially as the absence of war, biblical society viewed peace essentially, as Leon Morris points out, as a “…positive blessing…” (Leon Morris, Luke, International Commentary On The New Testament, p. 658) -- a sense of shalom, bringing wholeness and contentment to all of life.   

And so where do you need wholeness and contentment; where do you need positive blessing?  Well then: be filled with the Holy Spirit and know: deep resting quietude, marvelous stillness, reassuring poise, rooted as Paul notes in “…the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, [guarding] your [heart and mind – indeed --] in Christ Jesus…”  (Philippians 4:7)

Roald Amundsen was a daring Norwegian explorer, exploring the North and South Pole in the early 20th century, reaching the South Pole in 1911 and the North Pole in 1926.  Well as the story goes, Amundsen brought along homing pigeons -- of all things -- on his North Pole journey.  You see Amundsen’s wife was especially worried about the dangers of that trip -- incredibly anxious -- as she waited for Amundsen’s return at their Norwegian home.  And so when Amundsen successfully reached the North Pole the first thing he did was think of his wife, before doing anything else -- releasing one of his homing pigeons up into the air.

And with that the homing pigeon subsequently flew – get this – over 2,000 miles from the North Pole to Norway -- arriving at Amundsen’s Norwegian home where Amundsen’s wife was anxiously waiting.  Needless to say Amundsen’s wife was overjoyed, as in the midst of her anxiety – dread – fear – and apprehension – she received a sign – a promise – that all was well.

In the midst of our anxiety – dread – fear – and apprehension – we’ve received a sign – a promise -- that all is well.  No, it’s not a homing pigeon, but a heavenly dove (Luke 3:23), the Holy Spirit, bringing us peace and reassurance.   

For we do live in a stressful time, but God doesn’t want us stressed out, pigging out on the world, the flesh, the Devil.  Rather God wants us filled with the Holy Spirit, supernatural stuff – and His peace, a peace that does transcends understanding.

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