Monday, December 8, 2014

A Holy Kick In The Pants

Isaiah 9:7 tells us that the zeal of the Lord is active throughout Advent.  Now as noted in earlier blog-posts, the zeal of the Lord brings peace.  But the zeal of the Lord does more; it also brings protection from naivete and danger. 

The story of the Magi or the Wise Men is a familiar part of the Christmas story.  But an overlooked part of their narrative is their naivete.  Why up to the very end of their story as recorded in Matthew 2, the wise men are gullible, not recognizing the deceptive, evil nature of King Herod.  Apparently the Wise Men (like lots of folks) are so captivated by Herod's charisma and competence (as one of the great builders of his era) -- they overlook Herod's corrupt character ( via @MailOnline).

And so...even after bowing down and inviting Jesus to 'lord-over' life (by virtue of offering gifts 'fit for a king,' gold, frankincense and myrrh) they'll still not wise, fully intending to return to Herod, as Herod requested, to reveal the location of the baby Jesus.  

But then the Lord intervenes, manifesting divine protection in a dream -- and the Wise men are “…warned…not to go back to Herod.  [And so] they returned to their country by another route…”  (Matthew 2:12).

The Lord wants to do the same for us.  In the midst of our blind stops, our naivete, our stubborn gullibility – the Lord want to warn us directly: to see a situation differently, to make a different choice, to take a different route.   

But we must listen for the Lord’s prodding, not just His peace – what I like to call “God’s holy kick in the pants” – as God admonishes us to ‘wake up’ out of our ill-informed, gullible, self-reliant assumptions and move toward His incredibly sage -- well-informed -- wise way of life.   For as Solomon clarifies:  “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.  A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases strength…”  (Proverbs 24:3-5).
In 1989, collector spent $4 at a Pennsylvania flea market for a painting of a dismal, dark, county scene with a signature he couldn't make out.  Why?  Because he loved the gilded and ornately carved frame it was in.  Well immediately, he discarded the dismal painting; but then a few days later -- surprisingly -- he discarded the frame as well, discovering it was cracked and largely irreparable.  

But he did keep the old envelope that was tucked away in the backing of the frame.  Oh at first he thought he would throw that out too, but something prompted him, nudged him to hold on to the envelope; and so he did.  

Well days later the collector opened up the envelope, only to find not the old, dated letter he expected – but, get this – a rare first printing of the Declaration of Independence which he subsequently took to auction, selling for over 1 million dollars.    Musing later the collector noted:  how ironic; he assumed he had nothing of value – when in fact he had everything of value – because he chose to listen to an unexpected prompting.

This Christmas:  listen to an unexpected prompting. Listen for the Lord’s voice!  Not just as the Lord grants peace, but as the Lord grants protection -- a ‘holy kick in the pants’ – nudging you to see a situation differently – to make a different choice – to take a different route.

Because the Lord doesn't want you gullible – the Lord wants you wise -- finding value, even when you think there is no value -- knowing a life "...filled with rare and beautiful treasures..."  (Proverbs 24:4) -- as we heed God's peaceful, but protective voice  

1 comment:

  1. I did my own version of the Wisemen story this past weekend at a church near Philadelphia
